Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Colleyville, Tx Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney | Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Colleyville Speeding Ticket Lawyer lifts Traffic Warrants

Do you need a speeding ticket attorney in Colleyville, Texas? Did you receive a speeding citation or any type of traffic violation in Texas? Traffic ticket attorney Jack Byno can help you with any ticket you might have received! Contact Jack Byno, Speeding Ticket Lawyer for more information on how he can help you! Call 817-685-0912!

City of Colleyville Warrant Roundup Attorney

The Colleyville warrant roundup focuses on finding and arresting those with outstanding warrants and collecting the millions of dollars in unpaid fines. Though the statewide warrant roundup usually takes place in the spring, others occur in various counties throughout the year. This past August, marshals from Dallas and the surrounding communities conducted another roundup, going after the $99 million in uncollected fines from over 130,000 individuals. Call attorney Jack Byno at 817-685-0912.

CDL Defense Attorney Helps Truck Drivers In Colleyville, Texas

The problem for CDLs is that they are not eligible for a Drivers Safety Class (DSC) and are prohibited from being placed on a deferred adjudication (probation) in Colleyville, Texas. That significantly cuts back on their options. In most courts Jack Byno can work out a deal to minimize the damage or reduce the points. However, sometimes a driver just cannot take any more points against his record. In this situation a commercial driver can retain Jack Byno & Associates to fight his traffic ticket and have a trial. To discuss your case contact Jack Byno, attorney at law  at 817-685-0912.

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