Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keller Warrants Lifted By Attorneys | Speeding Tickets Lawyers

Speeding Tickets Defended By Attorney In Keller Traffic Court

If you have received a speeding ticket in Keller, Texas or anywhere else in the County, you need an experienced traffic ticket attorney. I have been representing clients in the North Texas Municipal Courts since 1994. Every traffic court in the State is different and I have represented clients in all of them. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates defends speeding tickets on a daily basis in Dallas - Fort Worth area. If you hire us, we will go to court on your behalf and workout the best deal we can. In most cases, we can keep the speeding citation off of your driving record and when necessary you can retian us for a trial. Contact the speeding defense attorneys of our law firm at 817-685-0912.

Do you Have a Warrant in Keller?

Do you have Keller traffic tickets in warrant status? You can have these warrants removed without paying off the tickets. We are a full service law firm that handles all aspects of traffic law including speeding tickets and warrants. Under Texas law an attorney can post an attorney or surety bail bond to lift your warrant. After the warrant has been lifted, a new court date is granted by the municipal court.  Call Attorney Jack Byno at 817-685-0912.

Truancy, or Failure to Attend School Defense Lawyer in Keller, Texas

The schools in Keller, Texas take truancy very seriously. Is there a personal reason your child has so many unexcused absences on his or her school record? Jack Byno, Attorney at Law can help protect your child's interests. Learn what your rights are by contacting the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates at 817-685-0912.

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