Keep Bedford Speeding Tickets Off Of Your Driving Record
Bedford Can Arrest You Any Where For Traffic Warrants
If you have an outstanding traffic ticket warrant in Bedford, Texas, you can be arrested at any time and any place. Often, this means arrest at your home, school or workplace. In the weeks leading up to the statewide warrant roundup, many police departments have been documenting specific locations where individuals with outstanding warrants have been habitually parking their vehicles. This information will be shared and tapped by special task forces during the statewide warrant roundup to track down and arrest individuals. Jack Byno Attorney at Law: 817-685-0912.
CDL Defense In The City of Bedford
Do you hold a commercial driver's license (CDL)? Having a CDL is a mixed blessing. On one hand you can make a good living and be independent. On the other hand, having a CDL comes with a lot of restrictions and being held to a much higher standard than the average driver. As a professional driver, deferred disposition and drivers safety classes (DSC) are not options. The problem is, without those tools available a truck driver has to look for other solutions to protect their driving records. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can often work out a plea bargain that will minimize the damage and if need we can be retained to conduct a trial for your traffic tickets. Contact me, a CDL defense attorney with trial experience at 817-685-0912.
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